Sunday, February 7, 2010

Too scared to make the first move?

Can't get the courage? Lack the confidence? Well, suck it up and start KNOWING you can do it.

Here are some pointers.

1) Don't rehearse behind closed doors. In my opinion this is one of the worst things you can do to muddle your mind, and it's also plain tacky. That said, I'm all for non-rehearsal as it forces you to rely solely on 1) creativity and 2) instinct. A bonus later will be patting yourself on the back for how well you did without rehearsing!

2) Don't ever approach someone while you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Imagine how silly you would look if you could see yourself being completely NOT YOURSELF and disingenuous. That is tacky as hell and you might as well be morphed into an Ed Hardy douchebag-girl. That being said, bars and clubs are horrible places to meet people (but you already knew that, I'm just confirming it). Avoid hitting on people at these places at all costs.

3) Per #2, you're a classy woman, so stick to that. You wouldn't want you any other way, right? If you disagree, then this blog isn't for you.

4) Think of a moment where you truly and deeply felt high on life (without the use of drugs). Try to summon it back and revive the exact feeling. Then go for it.

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